We train the children's workforce to deliver our Social Resilience Programme
Teaching you to deliver our unique resilience programme
Participants decide who they would like to think of as being in their ‘team of life’ from among their family, friends and other people who are important to them
Recognising the skills in their teams helps them to build confidence
Drawing how they worked together with their team to achieve a goal is an innovative way of telling stories of achievement and hope
People are reminded that celebrating goals with a team is much more fun than on your own!
Being part of a team makes it easier to think about how to tackle problems together
"It helped me realise I am not alone and it's okay to ask for help" - Team of Life Participant
Facilitator training package
Bespoke training packages for your team or organisation
Whole school packages
Our Team of Life Project started out on Wirral and our research took place in Wirral Schools. Dr Vicky Eames also grew up on Wirral, so we are thrilled at how the programme has been adopted there.
Team of Life offers a way for NHS, public health, schools and VSCEs to work in partnership to build capacity
Involving children's communities in building resilience, including children's workforce, schools, families and peers
Capturing children's voices and empowering them
Improving prosocial behaviour, helping to reduce exclusions and suspensions in schools
Creating a safe and supportive environment, helping to reducing absenteeism in schools
Involving parent/carers and significant others through shared language and celebration
Involvement of staff teams in Team of Life, building team cohesion and individual awareness of support networks
Practitioners working in the NHS, Local Authorities, Schools and Voluntary Sector Organisations have taken up our training and are adopting our Team of Life Resilience Programme
Team of Life helps children to feel less isolated, be less socially withdrawn and show more pro-social behaviour such as kindness and friendliness
The programme is aimed at children and young people aged 7-13, although ‘Team of Life’ benefits everyone by encouraging reflection on the important people in our lives.
The approach is especially helpful for children and young people who have experienced losses, trauma or hardship, low-level mental health problems, concerns about transitioning to secondary school, difficulties with friendships and self-esteem issues.
We'll be in touch soon with more information on how to access training